Department of Informatics Engineering | Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosae (UNTL)
2020 until Currently
Santa Madalena Canossa High School Comoro Dili Timor Leste
2017 until 2019
Santa Madalena Junior High School Comoro Dili Timor-Leste
2014 until 2016
Hans Klem Primary School, Bairo-Pite Dili Timor-Leste
2008 until 2013
Volunteer as an IT assistant at (PAM Liquica)
From 16 July to 16 August 2024 at Authority Municipality of Liquica (PAM Liquica), Liquica, Timor-LesteParticipated in the school's social internship programme to assist as an IT worker at the Liquica Municipal Autority Office (governor's office), helping to train the sira staff on the proper use of ICT and also assisting in IT-related work such as troubleshooting on computers and the internet.
IT Support Volunteer at Instituto Nacional Farmacia Professional e Medicos (INFPM)
From March to July 2024 at Instituto Nacional Farmacia Professional e Medicos (INFPM), Dili, Timor-LesteAs an IT Technician and Support in the National Institue of Farmacy and Professional Medicals to provide assistance on staff about troubleshooting on the internet and other technology devices. Also help the staff works to create a simple website to management to help them manage their data easily.
Timor-Leste Presidential Protocol IT Staff for the 2023 Total Solar Eclipse event
April 2023 at Dili Timor-LesteVolunteered as IT staff for the presidential protocol to help provide an assist as well design banners to provide information to the public in the face of the Total Solar Eclipse astronomical event
- Osaka Gas Scholarships (with link)
- Memulai Pemograman dengan Python (Dicoding) (with link)
- Belajar Visualisasi Data Python (Dicoding) (with link)
- Pemograman PHP: Pemula Sampai Mahir | Programmer Zaman Now Udemy (with link)
- Belajar Laravel: Pemula Sampai Mahir | Programmer Zaman Now Udemy (with link)
- Django Rest Frameworks abosulute Beginners (Udemy) (with link)
- Web development and RestFull API (Laravel, Django, React JS)
- Data Analyst and Machine Learning with (Skicit Learn, Other Python library)
- Version Control with Git & Gtihub
- Database (MySQL and PostgreSQL)
- Familiar with Windows, Linux, Office Program
- Problem Solving, Time Management, Organizational skills
- Knowing well in Bahasa Indonesia, English and Portuguese